Start/finish place: Your hotel
Trip duration: 8 – 12hrs
Nepal mountain bike riding: 4 – 6hrs
Hotel departure time: 0800am
Hotel returning time: 0400 – 0800pm
What to carry: Sunglass, mask, water bottle, a tiny backpack, an extra t-shirt, extra money, snack bars and drinks.
What to wear: Comfortable dress for the ride, sport shoes.
Group size: 2+
Cost: $60pp
Cost includes: One water bottle each, lunch, tea/coffee, medical kit bag, mountain bike, a MTB guide, necessary tools, local permits if any and local taxes.
Required docs: Passport.
For more info, please go here.
Email :
Contact : +977 9869836541 (Subarna)
WhatsApp : +977 9851254172 (Rabin)